Modomec S.r.l. was established in 1993, gaining significant experience in the complex sector of industrial plant engineering in the course of time.
A skilled technical staff supervises the various stages from planning, to execution, controlling and shipment, also with the help of hightech machineries and equipment as well as CNC in the facilities of Massafra and Taranto, ensuring absolute quality and timeliness regarding supplies and services.

• Basic and detailed planning.
• Structural work, machine-processed framing.
• Industrial sheds.
• Low, medium and high-pressure piping systems of carbon-steel, stainless steel and
alloy steel.
• Pressure containers and equipment.
• Heat exchangers, condensers.
• Industrial furnaces.
• Machining in general and overhauling at the workshop.
• Mechanical assembling of industrial plants, (structural work - piping - equipment) in
the sectors of energy, chemistry, petrochemistry and in the steel industry.
• Routine and supplementary mechanical maintenance for industrial plants.